Sharing the Gospel of Christ Around the World

About LifeWord Ministries Worldwide Gospel Media Inc.
We are a 501 (c) (3) (EIN 93-2080754) ministry and at the core of what LifeWord Ministries Worldwide Gospel Media believes and what we declare, is our conviction that the Bible the inerrant Word of the living God. We believe God the Holy Spirit uses God’s Word uniquely in each of our lives to transform the way we think, believe, and live after He has applied our salvation. We believe that Jesus was born of a virgin and that He is God come in the likeness of man and had no sin of His own. While on this earth He suffered and was crucifies for the sin of the world, He died and was buried, only to be raised from the dead three days later. We believe in the Triune God, God the Father, God the Son, and God the Holy Spirit, each Person with a unique role in salvation. We also believe in the eminent return of Jesus Christ.
LifeWord Ministries Worldwide Gospel Media is a ministry dedicated to the teaching and the preaching of the word of God. However, our primary focus is missions where we make every attempt to bring the Gospel to “restricted and hostile” nations by means of supplying written and audio Bibles (Arabic). For the Christians who have lost their livelihood through persecution and discrimination, we also provide a way for them to obtain, food, clothing, medicine, clean water, and reliable legal support as long as their is financial support from other Christians.
Prayer is our most abundant resource.
Holy Spirit Will Use the Word of God to Teach You How to Live In Obedience To Christ
How does God do this? We believe that, in part, He does this by telling us His own story: The story of His love, His plan of redemption—a story that He planned and put into place before He laid the foundation of the world. At its core, it’s the story of how He has opened the way for us to know Him, to love and obey Him, to grow deeper day by day in the ways we trust Him. Understanding the Holy Spirit‘s role in our lives creates a beautiful story of God’s mercy, grace, and love for humanity that gets better every time we hear it taught, preached and applied to our lives.
Open Your Heart to the Word of God and to the Work of the Holy Spirit!
Christ is the centerpiece of the entire Bible and when we look closely, we will find Him in the Old Testament and the New Testament because the “new” is hidden in the Old Testament and the “old” is revealed in the New Testament. The revelation of God’s love for every person has been revealed by Jesus’s death by crucifixion, burial, and His resurrection from the dead. It is our calling to faithfully bring you the Word of God so that you can live life abundantly, be fruitful and reproduce yourself in Christ.
God and You
We hope you will join with others like yourself in the activities of prayer and financial support of this Spirit-filled ministry to help us get the Word of God out to the entire world.
E Lawrence Williams, the founder and teacher, United States Air Force Vietnam Era military veteran is always thrilled to tell God’s story more than anything else in the world. On this site you can hear the various podcasts that he has created for dispensing God’s truth. You will also enjoy the popular Bible Chat Central podcast created and facilitated by his daughter and Author Catherine Harman who has written a number of excellent “US Against the World” books. Please join with us to serve Christ our Lord!
Our Vision
We believe that the church must be full of life, joy, and the transfiguration of God's presence.
Our Mission
The church is primarily people. This is a congregation of those who believe in God, what he helps in everyday life. We're going to serve.

Growth Track
- Love God
- Love people
- Love the world
our leaders

Stephanie Milian
Together with his wife, they are responsible for the "Children's Ministry."

Ronald Richards
Glorification Minister and Choir Leader

Christina Spear
Responsible for the service of glorification and head of the group of youth meetings.

Eleanor Pena
Responsible for missionary work and home groups.

Justin KendrickLead pastor