LifeWord Ministries
L1530 Missions Project
Bibles and Aid For Christians in L1530 Africa
SYNOPSIS: L1530 is located in one of the African Islamic countries.
MAJOR RELIGION: Almost all L1530 African people are Sunni Muslims which is one of two branches of Islam. They consider themselves to be the “traditional” or mainstream branch while the Shia Muslims are referred to as Islam’s minority branch. Christianity and other religions represent less than a half of percent of L1530’s population with Arabic as the official language.
PERSECUTION: Foreigners can worship as they please in L1530 Africa while any individual within the the indigenous population is harassed by family, neighbors, whole communities and the government when leaving Islam to become a Christian.
THE COST TO FOLLOW CHRIST IN L1530: Christians in L1530 Africa suffer massive amounts of discrimination everywhere they go. They are discriminated against when it comes to who gets jobs and this kind of discrimination makes it extremely hard for Christians to support their families in an already impoverished economy.
CIVIL AN LEGAL CHALLENGES: Christians are regularly accused of apostasy and blasphemy with regard to the religion of Islam. Often times men and women are arrested and thrown in jail for weeks or sent to prison without proper legal representation. The modus operandi of the police is to intimidate Christians into denying Jesus Christ, and to stop them from proclaiming the Gospel in the villages.
AVAILABILITY OF SCRIPTURES: How difficult is it for Christians in L1530 Africa to get a Bible? It is extremely difficult! Bibles are usually carried by hand into the country by smugglers at tremendous risks to their lives. Sometimes they must abandon the contraband Bibles when their lives are in extreme danger. Bibles cannot be imported to L1530 Africa nor can they be printed within the borders of the country.
WHAT CAN YOU DO?: Join with LifeWord Ministries Worldwide Gospel Media Inc. to provide support to the underground church such as training, encouragement,reliable legal counsel, food, clothing, and audio Bibles. We want them to know that we have not forgotten them in their persecution.
1. Ask the LORD to continue giving the Christians in L1530 Africa the GRACE to sustain their faithfulness to Jesus Christ.
2. Pray that the Holy Spirit will continue enabling the Christians confined to jails and prisons to be bold in sharing the Gospel.
3. Ask the LORD to give L1530 African Christians greater access to Bibles.
4. Ask the LORD to let His hand of GRACE, PEACE, HEALING and MERCY rest upon the lives o fL1530 African Christians who have lost loved ones to martyrdom in the name of Jesus Christ.
Thank you for your prayers and the generous tax-deductible gift!