


The international missions ministry supported by LifeWord Ministries Worldwide Gospel Media Incorporated is located in Senegal West Africa.  Senegal is located on the Atlantic Ocean coastline and is bordered by Mauritania to the north, Mali to the east, Guinea to the southeast, and Guinea-Bissau to the southwest.  Senegal is a heavily indebted nation and is a member of the African Union and at one time was a colony of France.  The French language is the official language and is widely spoken in Senegal.  In Dakar Wolof is the widely spoken ethnic language and is the language spoken by our missionaries Amet and Alexia Fall. Islam is the religion practiced by nearly 97% of the population while the Christian community is a little over 3%.  The rest of the population practices animism. Christ came into this world as the Divine Missionary to save the lost world.  His work of reaching the lost all over the world is still being carried out by faithful believers who give support to the actual missionaries who are on the ground.  Some of us go as missionaries and some of us extend our prayers and finances to carry out the Great Commissions where Jesus says in Matthew 28:19-20 (NASB), “Go therefore and make disciples of all the nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, teaching them to observe all that I commanded you; and lo, I am with you always, even to the end of the age.” It is the desire of our ministry to continue to support the international missionaries God has placed in various places which are becoming more hostile to the Gospel while other areas of the world are opening up to the Gospel.  It is God who opens and closes the doors for His own purpose and Christians are mandated to spread the Gospel by every means provided to us. Help us to support our missionaries in Senegal West Africa where God has enabled them to establish six radio stations for broadcasting in the Wolof dialect and to neighboring border countries where the French language is spoken.  The goal of our missionaries in Senegal is to establish a total of 14 radio stations to reach more people with the Gospel of Jesus Christ.  It takes anywhere from $35,000 to $45,000 to equip and renovate an old building or establish a new building for a new radio station.  Please join with us in praying for our Senegal missionaries Amet and Alexia Fall and please make a designated generous donation to support their work of spreading the Gospel to lost Senegalese people.



Amet & Alexia