
ALPHA & OMEGA By Malcolm Hunter

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This album’s title, “Alpha & Omega” (the first and last letters in the Greek alphabet, meaning “the beginning and the end”) is just one of
Jesus’ titles found in the Bible’s book of Revelation. Each song on this album that I composed (except where noted) either directly or
indirectly honors Jesus, who is the hero in the greatest love story ever written. This story includes us all, and the following summarizes
what is told in greater detail in the Bible. God (Jehovah – the Father, Jesus, and the Holy Spirit) created Adam and Eve and their
descendants to be the object of God’s love. The plan was for God and all of humanity to live together as a family…forever! But after
Satan, along with many angels, launched a rebellion (that was doomed from the start) against God’s Kingdom, Satan consoled himself
with the goal of luring Adam and Eve into a trap to thwart God’s family plan…forever! Satan used deception to convince Adam and Eve to
disobey God’s command to not eat the forbidden fruit; this is when sin entered the world.
As a result, Adam and Eve died spiritually, separating them and their descendants from God. This is also why we all, among other things,
grow old and die physically. Each person from then on has a natural-born desire to disobey God in thought, word, and deed. Even worse,
we were all destined in the afterlife to suffer the same fate as those who originally rebelled against God’s Kingdom (i.e., condemned to the
lake of fire)! This was a hopeless situation that no human being could do anything to change. But because God’s love for us was as great
as His Power, failure to realize the original plan for us was not an option. However, God’s Divine Justice System requires that sin’s death
penalty be fully satisfied. Jesus would be the only person, in both time and eternity in the entire Universe, chosen to do what it would take
to deliver us from Satan’s trap. So, this is the specific reason He came to Earth. Jesus demonstrated God’s great love for us by
exchanging His Life as a ransom for the lives of all who believed that He came to save theirs.
And Jesus was willing to do this despite knowing the huge toll of disappointment, betrayal, and excruciating pain that He would suffer.
Therefore, God used a succession of prophets over many generations, all empowered by the Holy Spirit, who consistently explained to
humanity how they would know that only Jesus was sent to Earth to take away the sin of the world: He would be born of a virgin, explain
how God’s Kingdom worked, perform many miracles, and, most importantly, He would not sin. This made Jesus’ death as a man sufficient
to pay sin’s death penalty for all of humanity. Then, He triumphed over the power of sin and the forces of evil by virtue of His deity when
God raised Him from the dead. This is how Jesus took away the sin of all who had lived and believed in His eventual arrival before He left
Heaven and came to Earth. After Jesus died, rose again, and returned to Heaven, whoever learns about this and agrees that Jesus
needed to do this to save them, then asks God to forgive them for their sin, the Holy Spirit seals them for salvation.
This revives their spirit (i.e., they are born again spiritually) and frees them from Satan’s trap! They begin their new life without delay as a
member of God’s Royal Family. The Holy Spirit empowers them to increasingly stop rebelling and start learning how to live like Jesus did
in obedience to God (no matter where they live or what they think, say, or do) as members of this growing, multi-generational, global
community. This community’s mission also includes telling others what Jesus did so that they, too, can decide whether they want to be
saved and become members, as well. Then, when God the Father determines that His global salvation plan is complete, Jesus will return
to Earth as the Groom for His Wedding Feast to be joined with His bride (i.e., all who were born again spiritually, both those still living and
those raised from the dead after He returns). Finally, they will all live together as the Royal Family in the Kingdom of God…forever! This
is why I say that Jesus (the Alpha and Omega, the beginning, and the end) is the hero of the greatest love story ever written! This album is
my gift of appreciation to Him for His role in this story

Additional information

Weight 0.10 lbs
Dimensions 4 × 4 in


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